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Wai Yee Chan, Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid, Nadia Fareeda Muhammad Gowdh, Kartini Rahmat, Nur Adura Yaakup and Chee Shee Chai. Chest Radiograph (CXR) Manifestations of the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (covid-19) — a Mini-review Current Medical Imaging Dec 2020 doi: 10.2174/1573405616666201231103312 |
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Vithya Visalatchi Sanmugasiva, Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid, Farhana Fadzli, Faizatul Izza Rozalli, Chai Hong Yeong, Nazimah Ab Mumin & Kartini Rahmat. Diagnostic accuracy of digital breast tomosynthesis in combination with 2D mammography for the characterisation of mammographic abnormalities. Scientific Reports.;10(1): 20628 |
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Bohan S, MT Ramli Hamid, Keat Seong PO, Chow TK, Yee W. Primary anorectal malignant melanoma: A clinical, radiology and pathology correlation. The Malaysian Journal of Pathology. 2020 Dec 1;42(3):461-7 |
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The-Hanh Pham · U. Raghavendra · Joel En Wei Koh · Anjan Gudigar· Wai Yee Chan· Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid· Kartini Rahmat· Farhana Fadzli · Kwan Hoong Ng · Chui Ping Ooi · Edward J. Ciaccio Hamido Fujita · U. Rajendra Acharya Development of breast papillary index for differentiation of benign and malignant lesions using ultrasound images. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 2020 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-020-02310-6 |
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Z Y Tang, L K Tan, B Y Ng, K Rahmat, M T Ramli, K Ninomiya and J H D Wong A radiomics study of textural features using magnetic resonance imaging for classification of breast cancer subtypes Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1497 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1497/1/012015 |
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Sze Yong Teoh, Kartini Rahmat, Pailoor Jayalakshmi, Marlina Tanty Ramli, Wei Lin Ng, Mee Hoong See, Mei Sze Teh, Anushya Vijayananthan Desmoid Type Fibromatosis of the Breast Masquerading as Breast Carcinoma: Value of Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging and its Correlation Eur J Breast Health 2020 DOI: 10.5152/ejbh.2020.5482
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Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid Wai Yee Chan,Dian Noriza Eddy Suryono, Noor Laily Syakimah Saidi, Anushya Vijayananthan, Jayalakshmi Pailoor, Kartini Rahmat Multimodality Imaging Findings of Breast Metastases from Malignant Melanoma: A Case Series, Middle East J Cancer 2020 |
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Kartini Rahmat, Nazimah Ab Mumin, Marlina Ramli, et al Evaluation of automated volumetric breast density software in comparison with visual assessments in an Asian population.. Medicine: September 25, 2020 - Volume 99 - Issue 39 - p e22405 doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000022405 |
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Nazimah Ab Mumin, Rahmat K, Hamid MT et al Primary Breast Angiosarcoma: Utilisation of Pre-Surgical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for Accurate Tumour Characterization and Planning - A Case Report and Literature Review..Curr Med Imaging. 2020 Oct 7.Doi:10.2174/1573405616666201007161119. |
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Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid, Khairul Azmi Abdul Kadir Transverse Sigmoid sinus dural AVF presenting with recurrent TIA: A technical case report. Journal of Cardiovascular, Neurovascular & Stroke (2020): 2: 1 |
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Electronic publication: INTRODUCTION TO BREAST ULTRASOUND & ULTRASOUND GUIDED INTERVENTIONAL PROCEDURES- UiTM Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid, Shamsiah Abdul Hamid, Anis Shafina Mahfudz, Nazimah Ab Mumin, Natasha Mohd Arifin |
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Electronic publication: IINTRODUCTORY THYROID ULTRASOUND & INTERVENTION (UiTM Massive Open Online Course) Anis Shafina Mahfudz, Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid, Shamsiah Abdul Hamid, Nazimah Ab Mumin, Natasha Mohd Arifin |
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Electronic publication: MANAGEMENT OF COLORECTAL CANCER (UiTM Massive Open Online Course) Harissa Hussainy Hasbullah, Nora Juliana Osman, Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid |
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Electronic publication: HOW TO READ MAMMOGRAM UiTM Massive Open Online Course) Shamsiah Abdul Hamid, Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid, Alan Peter |
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Electronic publication: BASIC DOCTORPREUNERSHIP MODULE (UiTM Massive Open Online Course) Nora Juliana, Suraya Othman, Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid, Siti Aznida, Siti Fauziah |
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Asahar, SF; Abd Malek, K ; Zohdi, WNWM ; Peter, AB. Chronic Back Pain in a Young Female Patient: A Case of Ependymoma Originating from the Conus Medullaris.Korean Journal of Family Medicine. Publication Date 01-01-2020. |
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Shaun Wayn Paul, Khasnur Abd Malek, Alan Basil Peter, Sabrilhakim Sidek. Disseminated Melioidosis Presenting with Community-Acquired Pneumonia: A Presentation Not to be Missed – A Case Report. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. Publication Date 05-02-2020. |
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Mohd Zulhilmie Mohd Nasir, Alan Basil Peter, Awla Mohd Azraai, Khasnur Abd Malek. Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Arising in a Neglected Goiter: A Case Report. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. Publication Date 20-04-2020. |
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Intan Kartika Binti Kamarudin, Alan Basil Peter. Giant Submandibular Epidermoid Cyst Mimicking Ranula.International Medical Journal. Publication Date 01-08-2020. |
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Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia with tiny cysts of peribronchovascular distribution on CT. Mohammad Hanafiah, Bushra Johari, Roqiah Fatmawati Abdul Kadir, Nor Salmah Bakar, Hazlyna Baharuddin, Clin Case Rep. 2020;00:1–2, https://doi.org/10.1002/ccr3.3206 |
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Relationships between severity of steatosis with glycemic control and carotid intima-media thickness among diabetic patients with ischemic heart disease.Omar N, Koshy M, Hanafiah M, Hatta SF, Shah FZ, Johari B, et al. J Res Med Sci 2020;25:64. |
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Unilateral Nonconfluent Cluster of Micronodules: Atypical Radiologic Appearance of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in an Immunocompetent Patient. Bushra Johari, Mohammad Hanafiah. Case Reports in Medicine. Volume 2020, Article ID 3708252. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/3708252 |
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Chest X-ray Made Easy for Medical Students and Junior Doctors. Mohammad Hanafiah, Bushra Johari (2020). ISBN: 9798633255683 |
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Intracranial giant cell tumour—a case report. Hilwati Hashim, Nor Salmah Bakar, Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (2020) 51:187 https://doi.org/10.1186/s43055-020-00307-x (ISI indexed) |
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Original Article: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and the cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk categories in primary care: is there an association? Hayatul Najaa Miptah, Anis Safura Ramli, Mariam Mohamad, Hilwati Hashim, Zahirah Tharek. BMC Fam Pract 21, 238 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-020-01306-7 (ISI indexed) |
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Case report: Cranial Polyneuropathy Caused By Vertebrobasilar Dolichoectasia. Tay Poh Sen, Noor Aida Mat Daud, Hilwati Hashim. Journal Of Cardiovascular, Neurovascular & Stroke. 2020,2(1),1-4. https://doi.org/10.32896/cvns.v2n1.1-4 |
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Case report: Clival Chordoma in an adolescent: A perspective from primary care. Hayatul Najaa Miptah, Siti Fatimah Badlishah-Shah, Hilwati Hashim, Anis Safura Ramli, Korean J Fam Med , Epub ahead of print, 22/5/2020, https://doi.org/10.4082/kjfm.19.0004 (ISI indexed) |
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Module: UiTM Faculty Of Medicine Mbbs240 Radiology Logbook. Marlina Tanty Binti Ramli Hamid, Mohd Shukry Bin Mohd Khalid, Anis Shafina Binti Mahfudz, Nazimah Binti Ab Mumin, Hilwati Binti Hashim. 20/10/2020. |
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Newsletter: Department Of Radiology During Covid-19 Pandemic. Hospital UiTM Newsletter. Roqiah Fatmawati Binti Abdul Kadir, Anis Shafina Binti Mahfudz, Khadijah Binti Hamzah, Hilwati Binti Hashim. 4/9/2020. |
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Electronic Media: Septic Embolic Encephalitis. In Radiology Cases: Compilation Of Cases; Emphasize On Imaging Findings. Hilwati Hashim. 28/3/2020. WordPress. http://radiologycases.my/2020/03/28/septic-embolic-encephalitis/ |
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Electronic Media: Neuromyelitis Optica. In Radiology Cases: Compilation Of Cases; Emphasize On Imaging Findings. Hilwati Hashim. 29/3/2020. WordPress. http://radiologycases.my/2020/03/29/neuromyelitis-optica-2/ |
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Electronic publication: Trumpeted IAM sign. Khariah Mat Nor.2020. http://radiologycases.my/2020/04/05/trumpeted-iam-sign/ |
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Electronic publication: Hypoglossal Schwannoma. Khariah Mat Nor.2020. http://radiologycases.my/2020/04/02/hypoglossal-schwannoma/ |
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Mansharan, K., Saiful Nizam Abdul Rashid, Suzana Abdul Hamid, Mohd Shah Mahmood, Siew Sheue Feng, Hapizah Nawawi, Effat Omar.Correlation And Assessment Of Coronary Artery Luminal Stenosis: Post-mortem Computed Tomography Angiogram Versus Histopathology. Forensic Science International 2020;308. |
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Mansharan, K. Primary Breast Sarcoma. Bangladesh Journal Of Medical Science 2020;3:579-581. |
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Mansharan, K., Thuhairah Hasrah Binti Abdul Rahman, Noor Kaslina Binti Mohd Kornain, Ahmad R, Awang Jalil R, Mohamad Rodi Bin Isa, Norizal Bin Mohd Noor, Hapizah Nawawi. Effects Of Water-based Contrast Media On Experimentally Induced Established Atherosclerotic Plaques In Rabbits. International Medical Journal Malaysia 2020;19(2):21-28. |
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Saiful Nizam Abd Rashid, Mansharan, K., Mohd Yazid Sahak, Rozi Mahmud, Siew Sheue Feng. Lethal Morel-lavalle Lesion: A Forensic Radiology-pathology Correlation.Radiology Case Reports 2020;15(8);1280-1284. |
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Saiful Nizam Abd Rashid, Mansharan, K., Rozi Mahmud, Suliadi.f. Statistical Descriptive Analysis On Sudden Death Through Computed Tomography And Angiogram On External Examination And Head And Neck Injuries. International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research 2020;9(6):751-764. |
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Ganesh Raj, Mansharan, K., Norliza Ibrahim.Stillbirth Due To Unrecognized Cardiac Anomaly: A Forensic Autopsy Case Report. Journal Of Health And Translational Medicine 2020;23(2):22-24. |
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Mansharan, K.,Lai Poh Soon, Siew Sheue Feng.Isolated Hyoid Bone Fracture In A Child Due To A Fall. International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 2020;139(12):1-4. |
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Primary Breast Angiosarcoma: Utilisation of Pre-Surgical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for Accurate Tumour Characterization and Planning - A Case Report and Literature Review. Nazimah Ab Mumin, Rahmat K, Hamid MT et al.Curr Med Imaging. 2020 Oct 7. Doi:10.2174/1573405616666201007161119. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33030134. |
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Evaluation of automated volumetric breast density software in comparison with visual assessments in an Asian population. Kartini Rahmat, Nazimah Ab Mumin, Marlina Ramli, et al. Medicine: September 25, 2020 - Volume 99 - Issue 39 - p e22405 doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000022405 |
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Diagnostic accuracy of digital breast tomosynthesis in combination with 2D mammography for the characterisation of mammographic abnormalities. Sanmugasiva VV, Ramli Hamid MT, Fadzli F, Rozalli FI, Yeong CH, Ab Mumin N, |
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Rahmat K. Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 26;10(1):20628. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-77456-6. PMID: 33244075; PMCID: PMC7691352 |
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Electronic publication: INTRODUCTION TO BREAST ULTRASOUND & ULTRASOUND GUIDED INTERVENTIONAL PROCEDURES- UiTM Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid, Shamsiah Abdul Hamid, Anis Shafina Mahfudz, Nazimah Ab Mumin, Natasha Mohd Arifin |
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Electronic publication: IINTRODUCTORY THYROID ULTRASOUND & INTERVENTION (UiTM Massive Open Online Course) Anis Shafina Mahfudz, Marlina Tanty Ramli Hamid, Shamsiah Abdul Hamid, Nazimah Ab Mumin, Natasha Mohd Arifin |
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Ida Kartini Othman, Norazlin Mohamad, Sabrilhakim Sidek, Raj Naresh Bhaskar, Chua Siew Kuan. Risk factors associated with piriformis syndrome: A systematic review. Science, Engineering and Health Studies 2020; 215-233 |
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Eun Kyung Khil, Jung-Ah Choi, Eunjin Hwang, Sabrilhakim Sidek, Il Choi. Paraspinal back muscles in asymptomatic volunteers: quantitative and qualitative analysis using computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2020; 21 (1), 1-8 |